BALL GROUND, GA (May 5, 2022)—Global oxygen equipment manufacturer CAIRE Inc. will be expanding its portfolio of solutions in Latin America this summer. The Companion 5 and NewLife Intensity 10 stationary oxygen concentrators are expected to launch in July, following an anticipated approval by the Brazilian Health Regularity Agency (Anvisa). 

“During the past two years, the COVID-19 pandemic oxygen shortages throughout South America have underscored the need to expand CAIRE’s portfolio of equipment available to providers to serve patients prescribed oxygen as they are discharged from the hospital,” said Barry Hassett, vice president of global marketing. 

Currently CAIRE products available in Brazil include the award-winning FreeStyle Comfort portable oxygen concentrator, the clinically-proven Eclipse 5 transportable oxygen concentrator, and liquid oxygen (LOX) systems including the Stroller portable and Liberator reservoir. 

The FreeStyle Comfort and Eclipse 5 can produce unlimited oxygen, drawing in ambient air, filtering it, and delivering up to 95% pure oxygen (O2) to the user via nasal cannula. Both medical devices are designed for oxygen users during activity and travel and are powered by battery or electrical power. Both come equipped with CAIRE’s proprietary, smart O2 delivery technologies, including autoSAT that ensures the user receives the oxygen they need with every breath. 

LOX systems require regular refills from a gas provider, but are an excellent solution for oxygen users who require high flow prescriptions. Users stay mobile with a lightweight portable, while reservoirs support their needs for at-home use. 

The addition of the two stationary oxygen concentrators (SOCs) is a major step in providing distributors with equipment for their patients’ at-home oxygen needs using the full breadth of CAIRE’s industry-leading portfolio. SOCs offer the oxygen user the ability to receive continuous flow oxygen as they move about their home, engaging in daily living activities. 

The Companion 5 is a five liters per minute (LPM) concentrator offering a small footprint and energy efficiency for the user. Global medical equipment providers frequently supply this concentrator to the respiratory patient along with the FreeStyle Comfort as a complete non-delivery solution for both active and at home oxygen needs.

The rugged, time-proven NewLife Intensity 10 has been a long-time trusted, go-to device, supporting specialty applications in more than 100 countries. It offers up to 10 LPM and an output of 20 PSI. It is often paired with CAIRE’s SureFlow oxygen system, allowing health care workers to deliver oxygen up to five patients simultaneously in clinical settings.  

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