Thousands of HME industry leaders gather in Las Vegas April 10–12

Networking opportunities, the latest home health care products and business improvement tips all attract HME providers to Medtrade twice each year. On April 10 through 12, Medtrade Spring returns to Las Vegas and is expected to draw 4,500 HME providers, manufacturers, distributors and other industry leaders.

The annual spring conference and exposition—a more intimate version of the fall trade show—will offer attendees the opportunity to interact with more than 450 exhibitors and choose from dozens of educational sessions at the Sands Expo and Convention Center. Here is a list of seminars and workshops, with pre-show seminars listed first, and then remaining seminars are divided by topic.

Pre-Show Seminars

Tuesday, April 10
8 a.m. – noon
o Audit 9-1-1: A “Hands-on” Review of Sample Patient Records
Speaker: Mary Ellen Conway, president, Capital Healthcare Group

o Profitably Growing Your Oxygen Business in the New Healthcare Environment
Speakers: Joseph Lewarski BS, RRT, FAARC; Robert Messenger BS, RRT, Invacare Corp.; Kelly Riley CRT, RCP, Director of National Respiratory Network, MED Group.

o Boot Camp With a Twist and Shout! Retail Sales Will Prevail in a Medicare/Insurance Environment
Speakers: Jane Wilkinson-Bunch, president/CEO, Jane’s Healthcare Consulting, Inc., and Ty Bello, president, Team@Work.

o The Right Fit to Grow with Oxygen and PAP Therapies
Speakers: Kim Snyder, senior marketing manager, Philips Respironics; Mary Schreck, senior marketing manager, Philips Respironics; Cheryl Needham, clinical marketing manager, Philips Respironics; and Anthony Como, senior global product manager, Philips Respironics.

o Clinically Speaking: A Practical Guide to Evaluation and Documentation for Mobility Assistive Equipment
Speaker: Julie Piriano, PT, ATP/SMS, director of rehab industry affairs, Pride Mobility Products Corp.

o Enhanced Patient Care “Improving Quality of Life...ONE Patient at a Time”
Speaker: Steve Winters, program manager, MED Group.

o You’ve Submitted Your Bid – Now What?
Speakers: Mark Higley, vice president development, VGM Group Inc. and Peggy Walker, billing and reimbursement advisor, US Rehab/VGM.

Audits: Pre & Post Payment Track

Tuesday, April 10
3 – 4 p.m.
o A Mock Audit
Presenters: Wayne van Halem, president, The van Halem Group LLC and Stephen Andrews, general manager, customer service, Brightree

4:15 – 5:15 p.m.
o Audits! Audits! Everywhere...
How to Combat ZPIC, Pre- and Post-Payment Audits, RACs, OIG, and All the Other Acronyms After You!
Presenter: Jane Wilkinson-Bunch, president, Jane’s Healthcare Consulting Inc.

Wednesday, April 11
8 – 9 a.m.
o Navigating the Rough Waters of Intake and Medical Documentation: How to Handle the Challenges of Patient Intake with Audits Abounding
Presenter: Sarah Hanna, vice president, ECS Billing & Consulting Inc.

Thursday, April 12
8:30 – 9:30 a.m.
o Documentation: Knowing What Auditors Are Looking for Is the Key to Survival in Today’s Audit-Crazy Industry
Presenter: Bruce Brothis, president, Allegient Billing & Consulting Inc.

9:45 – 10:45 a.m.
o Medicare Audits Dos and Don’ts
Presenter: Angela Miller, president/GM, Medical Auditing Solutions LLC

Business Operations Track

Tuesday, April 10
1:45 – 2:45 p.m.
o The Honeymoon Is Never Over—Employee Education Doesn’t Stop After 90 Days
Presenter: Mike McKillip, director, business services, MED Group

3 – 4 p.m.
o Management Reports for Accountability – Measuring Today’s Progress and Tomorrow’s Future
Presenter: Miriam Lieber, president, Lieber Consulting

4:15 – 5:15 p.m.
o What You Thought You Knew: Starting from the Ground Up Optimizing and Streamlining Your Resources
Presenter: Kit Shellhouse, director of operations, ECS Billing & Consulting Inc.

Wednesday, April 11
8 – 9 a.m.
o Opportunities for Growth – Diversify, Automate and More
Presenters: Miriam Lieber, president,
Lieber Consulting and Billie Jo Bowser,
consultant, Clear Consulting

9:15 – 10:15 a.m.
o Security Audits 101
Presenter: Angela Miller, president/GM, Medical Auditing Solutions LLC

Thursday, April 12
8:30 – 9:30 a.m.
o Who Said So? Rules and Regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation in Plain English for Oxygen Providers
Presenter: Victoria Marquard-Schultz, general counsel and regulatory director, Applied Home Healthcare Equipment LLC

9:45 – 10:45 a.m.
o 10 Ways to Improve Any Process and Workflow and Get Results That Last
Presenter: Chris Calderone, founder and president, Lean Homecare Consulting Group LLC

Competitive Bidding Track

Tuesday, April 10
4:15 – 5:15 p.m.
o Round 2: The Bid Window Is Closed! Predictions and Projections
Presenter: Mark Higley, vice president, development, VGM Group Inc.

Wednesday, April 11
8 – 9 a.m.
o Deciphering the Da Vinci Code: Legal Bases for Competitive Bidding and Pending Actions to Eliminate, Delay or Modify This Ill-Advised Program
Presenter: Cara Bachenheimer, senior vice president, government relations, Invacare Corp.

Thursday, April 12
8:30 – 9:30 a.m.
o Competitive Bidding Implementation Contractor (CBIC) Update
Presenters: Elaine Hensley, chief ombudsman, Palmetto GBA and Michal Mitko, ombudsman, Palmetto GBA

Human Resources, Leadership & Staff Development Track

Tuesday, April 10
4:15 – 5:15 p.m.
o Staffing for the Front Office and the Back
Presenter: Chris Sizemore, principal, Cherney and Associates

Thursday, April 12
8:30 – 9:30 a.m.
o How to Make the NOISE Go Away as an HME Owner and CEO
Presenter: Ty Bello, president and founder, Team@Work

9:45 – 10:45 a.m.
o The Art of Identifying & Orchestrating Who & What Is Best For Your Healthy Growth & Market Domination
Presenter: Erika Feinberg, CEO and chief happiness officer,

Industry Updates Track

Tuesday, April 10
1:45 – 2:45 p.m.
o State of the Complex Rehab and Mobility Industry—Legislative & Regulatory Update
Presenter: Seth Johnson, vice president government affairs, Pride Mobility Products Corp.

3 – 4 p.m.
o Solutions for Safeguarding Your Billing Privileges
Presenter: Erika Williams, ombudsman, Palmetto GBA

4:15 – 5:15 p.m.
o Medicare Updates
Presenter: Vicky Combs, outreach & education consultant, National Government Services

Wednesday, April 11
9:15 – 10:15 a.m.
o DME CERT Task Force
Presenter: Abbey Dyer, DME CERT Task Force leader, CGS

1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
o AAHomecare’s Washington Update
Presenters: Tyler Wilson, president, and Walter Gorski, vice president of government affairs, American Association for Homecare

Information Technology Track

Tuesday, April 10
1:45 – 2:45 p.m.
o What Can GPS Technology Do for Your HME Business?
Moderator: Jay Williams, national sales manager-West Region, QS/1
Presenters: Ken Accardi, chief technology officer, Ankota; Ted McGraner, M.Ed., senior business analyst, CPR+ / Definitive Homecare Solutions; Bob Wagner, sales representative, On-board Communications Inc.

3:00 – 4:00 p.m.
o E-Prescribing for the HME Industry – 
A Panel Discussion
Moderator: Jay Williams, national sales manager-West Region, QS/1
Presenters: Mickey Letson, CEO, Dream Software and Roxie Murray, national sales manager, Jaysec Technology LLC

4:15 – 5:15 p.m.
o Join the 21st Century – Why Choose Document Imaging Over Manual Filing – Stories From HME Providers
Moderator: Jay Williams, national sales manager-West Region, QS/1

Wednesday, April 11
9:15 – 10:15 a.m.
o Three Steps to Savings: The Fundamentals 
of Routing
Presenter: Greg Muth, product manager, Roadnet Technologies, Inc.

9:45 – 10:45 a.m.
o How to Select Software for Your HME Business: A Best Practices Approach
Presenter: Gary Long, chief revenue office, Brightree

Legislative & Regulatory Track

Tuesday, April 10
1:45 – 2:45 p.m.
o CMS Never Sleeps: Regulatory Changes to Oxygen, Power Mobility and Other DME
Presenter: Cara Bachenheimer, senior vice president, government relations, Invacare Corp.

4:15 – 5:15 p.m.
o Fraud and Abuse Landmines: What the ZPICs, Accrediting Organizations, NSC and OIG Are Looking for
Presenter: Jeffrey S. Baird, Esq., chairman, Health Care Group, Brown & Fortunato, P.C.

Wednesday, April 11
8 – 9 a.m.
o Death, Taxes...and Congress: Legislative Changes Coming Down from Capitol Hill
Presenter: John Gallagher, vice-president, government relations, VGM

9:15 – 10:15 a.m.
o Marketing and Joint Ventures:
Innovative Ways to Succeed Without Crossing the Legal “Stupid Line”
Presenter: Jeffrey S. Baird, Esq., chairman, Health Care Group, Brown & Fortunato, P.C.

o This Week in DME: An Update on the Business and Regulatory Issues You Need to Know
Presenters: Denise Fletcher, attorney, Brown & Fortunato, P.C.; Mary Ellen Conway, president, Capital Healthcare Group

Thursday, April 12
8:30 – 9:30 a.m.
o Leveraging Compliance Programs to Protect Your Business
Presenter: Wayne van Halem, president, The van Halem Group, LLC; Pam Felkins Colbert, vice president, The van Halem Group, LLC

9:45 – 10:45 a.m.
o The New Alpha Dog: Understanding and Complying With the Supplier Standards and How to Successfully Work With the NSC
Presenter: Neil Caesar, president, Health Law Center

Non-Medicare Markets Track

Tuesday, April 10
1:45 – 2:45 p.m.
o Are There New Sources of Revenue in Your Home Medical Equipment Company?
Presenter: Susean Nichols, president, Millennium Management Services

3 – 4 p.m.
o Home Modification and You—Home Accessibility Business Opportunities Within the HME/DME Marketplace
Presenter: Bill Stelzer, coach/owner, Bill Stelzer Consulting

Wednesday, April 11
9:15 – 10:15 a.m.
o Positioning Yourself as the Solution: Preparing for New Value-Based Incentives for Hospitals and Physicians
Presenter: Alan Morris, director alternate care programs, VGM & Associates

Thursday, April 12
9:45 – 10:45 a.m.
o Finding the Right In-Store and Online Retail Strategy for Your Business
Presenter: Chris Watson, chief marketing officer, Brightree

Rehabilitation & Assistive Technology Track

**These sessions are pending 0.1 CEU approval by The University of Pittsburgh**

Tuesday, April 10
1:45 – 2:45 p.m.
o When Flat Is Not Enough
Presenter: Elizabeth Cole, director of clinical rehab services, US Rehab

3 – 4 p.m.
o Power to the Supplier—OK, What Do I Have to Do Now to Get Paid and Keep My Money?
Presenter: Peggy Walker, billing & reimbursement advisor, US Rehab/VGM

Wednesday, April 11
8 – 9 a.m.
o Power Wheelchair Electronics Made Simple
Presenter: Michael Babinec, product manager, Invacare Corp.

9:15 – 10:15 a.m.
o Using a Crystal Ball: Assessing the Individual With Multiple Sclerosis for a Wheelchair
Presenter: Jay Brislin, MSPT, director Quantum Product & Clinical Development, Quantum Rehab

Thursday, April 12
9:45 – 10:45 a.m.
o An Introduction to Speech Generating Device Funding and Products: A New Business Opportunity for DME Providers
Presenter: Adam Wing, vice president of global business, AbleNet Inc. and Diane Russell, national account manager AAC/DME, Ablenet Inc.

Reimbursement Track

Tuesday, April 10
1:45 – 2:45 p.m.
o Proactively Managing Your Billing Process
Presenter: Roberta Domos, owner/president, Domos HME Consulting Group; Laura John, co-owner/vice president, Domos HME Billing

4:15 – 5:15 p.m.
o Today’s Margins Demand the Collection of Every Penny - Learn How!
Presenter: Bruce Brothis, president,
Allegient Billing & Consulting, Inc.

Wednesday, April 11
8 – 9 a.m.
o Show Me the Money! Great Documentation Equals Great Cash Flow and Reimbursement! KX...It Can Be Done!
Presenter: Jane Wilkinson-Bunch,
president, Jane’s Healthcare Consulting, Inc.

9:15 – 10:15 a.m.
o Medicare’s Top 10: Evaluating Top Denials by Medicare and How to Reduce Those Denials in Your Future
Presenter: Sarah Hanna, vice president, ECS Billing & Consulting Inc.

Thursday, April 12
8:30 – 9:30 a.m.
o To Bill or Not to Bill: A Guide to Billing Wheelchair Accessories
Presenter: Jim Stephenson, rehab reimbursement manager, Invacare

Retail Track

Tuesday, April 10
3 – 4 p.m.
o Retail Like the Big Boys—Thinking Like a Retailer and Not Like a Sales Person
Presenter: Louis Feuer, MA, MSW, president, Dynamic Seminars, MedComment Center

4:15 – 5:15 p.m.
o HME Retail: Staffing Your Retail Store 
to Success
Presenter: Jim Greatorex, president, Black Bear Medical

Wednesday, April 11
8 – 9 a.m.
o Control Your Own Destiny: Think Retail!
Presenter: Michelle Mikitish, retail mobility business development manager, Pride Mobility Products Corp.

o Retail Management Technology–Keys to Ensuring Profitability
Presenter: Chris Kinard, HME market analyst, QS1

Thursday, April 12
8:30 – 9:30 a.m.
o Tapping into the Billion Dollar Cash Market for HME/DME Incontinence Providers
Presenter: Christine Pruneau, manager of clinical services, First Quality Products

9:45 – 10:45 a.m.
o Bauerfeind Performance Center: A Unique Retail Experience for the Modern Active Lifestyle
Presenter: Andrew Pritikin, clinical director, Bauerfeind USA

Sales & Marketing Track

Tuesday, April 10
1:45 – 2:45 p.m.
o How Not to “Sell” Anything and Still Get Referrals
Presenter: Ty Bello, president and founder, Team@Work

3 – 4 p.m.
o Give Your Patients What They Want and 
Watch the Register Ring
Presenter: Holly Lockwood, publisher, Everything Respiratory

3 – 4 p.m.
o Surviving and Thriving on Chaos: Tool, Strategies and Ideas for Reinventing Your Company and Prospering in the New Era of Healthcare
Presenter: Michael Sperduti, president & CEO, Emerge Sales Inc

Wednesday, April 11
9:15 am – 10:15 am
o Social Media: Uniting Your (Future) Customers Online for Your Cause
Presenter: Lisa Wells, director of marketing, UroMed

Thursday, April 12
8:30 – 9:30 a.m.
o Customer Contract Sales: Profitability, Participation and Compliance
Presenter: Louis Rofrano, president & CEO, Rofrano Performance Group

9:45 – 10:45 a.m.
o Sites in the Fast Lane Use SEO, SEM and SMO: Are You One of Them?
Presenter: Christina Throndson, web marketing manager, VGM Forbin

Sleep/Oxygen & Respiratory Track

**These sessions are Pending 1.0 AARC CRCE approval**

Tuesday, April 10
1:45 – 2:45 p.m.
o Bi-Level ST and ASV; Think Beyond Sleep
Presenter: Kelly Riley, director of National Respiratory Network, MED Group

o Boost Referrals and Differentiate Your Company by Helping Hospitals Reduce Their Re-Admission Rates
Presenter: Thomas Williams, managing director, Strategic Dynamics Inc.

4:15 – 5:15 p.m.
o How to Train Personnel & Outfit Your Vehicle(s) to Meet DOT, FDA Regulatory, Accreditation Requirements for Oxygen Delivery & Storage
Presenter: David J. Marquard, CEO & owner, Applied Home Healthcare Equipment, LLC

Wednesday, April 11
8 – 9 a.m.
o High Flow Therapy (HFT): Clinical Applications from Hospital to Home
Presenter: Nicholas Macmillan, Home Care Segment Manager, Vapotherm

9:15 – 10:15 a.m.
o Women vs. Men in Sleep: Are There Any Differences Besides the Pajamas?
Presenter: Ann Tisthammer, VP, clinical education & training, ResMed Corp.

Thursday, April 12
8:30 – 9:30 a.m.
o Oximetry – A Self-Titration Protocol for LTOT Patients
Presenter: Christine Cunningham, marketing manager, Medical Education, Philips Healthcare

9:45 – 10:45 a.m.
o Can Remote Patient Management Be Used for Oxygen Patients?
Presenter: Michael Posey, senior global product manager, Philips Respironics