ANAHEIM, Calif. — To help increase donations that will benefit NCART, NRRTS and AAHomecare, MK Battery announced July 12 that it will match sponsorships for its Power for Funding 2011 event at Medtrade — up to the first $50,000 — in addition to $50,000 the company has already committed to underwrite the networking event. Sponsorship opportunities are available ranging from $1,000 to $25,000, with proceeds going to each of the three organizations.

According to Wayne Merdinger, MK's vice president of business development and international sales, "This event is worthy of the additional financial commitment. We want to bring suppliers of all sizes into the fold to support our vital industry initiatives and we hope that our example will spur others to step up and join us."

The event will be held from 5:30 to 8:30 pm. Oct. 25 at the Omni Hotel in Atlanta. Tickets will be available to all providers. For information, contact Dennis Sharpe at