WASHINGTON, D.C., June 14, 2013—In less than a month the congressional letter to CMS Administrator Marilynn Tavenner (Click here to read.) asking for a delay implementing Round 2 has gained the support of a majority of the House. Spearheaded by Representatives Glenn “G.T.” Thompson (R-Pa.) and Bruce Braley (D-Iowa), the letter has 222 signatures. It will be sent to CMS later this week.

Highlighting CMS’ inadequate review of the licensure and accreditation of bidders, the letter encourages the agency to postpone their self-imposed deadline to the end of 2013. There is no statutory requirement to implement Round 2 on July 1, and six months should be sufficient time to investigate whether or not CMS violated its own bidding rules and to allow for congressional oversight. If your representative signed the letter, be sure to contact them and thank them for their support. For more information go to www.aahomecare.org.