WASHINGTON, D.C. The homecare community has mobilized in recent weeks to make sure that every member of Congress knows just how badly CMS has messed up with their so-called “competitive” bidding program. Here is a sample of the activity:
773 people joined the AAHomecare grassroots network as new advocates
3,350 emails were sent to Congress from the AAHomecare Action Center
MK Battery had all 14 of their field reps in 7 different states, call Congress
Home Medical Equipment & Services Association of New England (HOMES) members have now convinced half of their combined congressional delegation to cosponsor H.R. 1717
Alabama Durable Medical Equipment Association (ADMEA) members have brought on 2 more of their representatives as cosponsors for H.R. 1717
John Komuda, owner of CNY Medical Products and an AAHomecare member, did a television interview on bidding’s impact on wheelchair users. Click here to watch.
The association thanks everyone who made a phone call, sent an email, convinced a Medicare patient to speak out, or found another way to advocate for homecare—you have done yourselves proud! Let’s keep up the pressure on Congress to take action and stop the bidding program. Follow up with undecided members and send thank you’s to new H.R. 1717 cosponsors. If you have any questions about how to follow up, contact AAHomecare’s Jay Witter at jayw@aahomecare.org or 202-372-0751. Visit the AAHomecare Action Center at http://action.aahomecare.org.