Leading senior care franchise offers advice for older adults and their caregivers when hurricanes and other natural disasters threaten

ROSEVILLE, California—Always Best Care Senior Services, a senior care franchise system in the United States, has caregiving teams across the country that are focused on keeping seniors safe at home. An important part of that role is making sure these older adults are prepared for seasonal weather emergencies like hurricanes, flooding, tornadoes and other natural disasters that can strike at any time.  

To further encourage emergency preparedness during hurricane season and throughout the year, Always Best Care is sharing the following tips for older adults and their caregivers: 

  • Keep your home care agency’s number close to the phone in case you need assistance. If you are having a true emergency, call 911.  
  • Emergency kits are a smart idea for homes and vehicles. A few extra considerations for seniors: include incontinence briefs, if needed. If your senior relies on special medical equipment such as eyeglasses, catheters, batteries or oxygen systems, stock up.  
  • If you require electric-powered medical equipment and/or oxygen, notify your power company before an emergency and let them know you are at high risk during power outages.   
  • Keep flashlights and extra batteries in easily accessible places. Consider a battery-operated radio as well.  
  • Remove any trip hazards in the home, like worn carpeting or throw rugs with turned-up corners, as these can be especially dangerous in the dark. Keep floors and hallways free of clutter and debris. 
  • Make sure you always have at least a week’s worth of medication on hand and organized for ease of use.  
  • Maintain an ample supply of water and non-perishable food.  
  • Gather medical records, including details about health care needs, insurance cards and emergency contact information. This should include a MOLST (Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment) form and/or advance directives. 
  • If you need to evacuate—call your home care provider/agency right away. Inform the agency of your evacuation plan/shelter site. Bring your Medicare, Medicaid and/or insurance card. 
  • If your loved one is in a nursing home or assisted living facility, make sure there is a plan for evacuation and that you are aware of the details.  

“These and other safety measures can greatly reduce an older adult’s chances of injury during a power outage and keep them more comfortable during an emergency,” said Jake Brown, president and CEO of Always Best Care. “Because they are often depended on for continuity of care during catastrophic events, in-home care professionals can play a crucial role in disaster preparedness. Always Best Care caregivers have been trained to assess needs, prepare supplies and make a plan, which are all simple yet imperative measures to ensure seniors are ready in emergencies.”  

Always Best Care delivers its services through an international network of more than 225 independently owned and operated franchise territories throughout the United States and Canada. By working with case managers, social workers, discharge planners, doctors and families, Always Best Care franchise owners provide solutions that can be specifically matched to meet a client’s particular physical or social needs.  

For more information on available territories and franchising with Always Best Care, contact Sean Hart at rshart@abc-seniors.com, call (916) 545-2786 or visit alwaysbestcare.com/franchising.