Homecare companies should keep safety in mind

LAS VEGAS, Nev. (April 17, 2019)—Homecare companies and their employees should be aware that many older adults have easy access to guns—even if some who are mentally impaired or easily agitated—and should discuss safety measures, Mary Ellen Conway, Chief Compliance Officer for US MED, said Tuesday.

Homecare talked to Conway on Tuesday at Medtrade Spring in Las Vegas, Nevada, after a study was released revealing that many older adults have access to firearms in their homes.

LENEXA, KAN. (January 11, 2016)—Mediware Information Systems, Inc. is hosting a free webinar for attendees on Wednesday, February 10, 2016, at 12:00 Central, 1:00 EST, to outline how you can make 2016 the year for change with implementing effective HR management strategies in your DME business. The webinar is entitled “The Most Common HR Issues for DME.”

HALIFAX, Va., Jan. 28, 2013—The National Association of Independent Medical Equipment Suppliers (NAIMES) announces that it has acquired the Committee to Save Independent HME suppliers (CSIHME) and merged it into the national trade association. “We are pleased with this merger which will combine the resources of CSIHME with NAIMES,” according to NAIMES Chairman Wayne Sale.