A tentative timeline for competitive bidding shows Round One, scheduled to be rebid this year, will not be implemented until January 2011.

BALTIMORE--A tentative timeline for competitive bidding shows Round One, scheduled to be rebid this year, will not be implemented until January 2011.
The timeline, released earlier today at a meeting of the Program Advisory and Oversight Committee, shows some detail of CMS’ schedule for the Round One rebid as follows:

Spring 2009

Pre-Bidding Supplier Awareness Campaign Began
Today's PAOC Meeting
Summer 2009

Announcement of Bidding Schedule/Schedule of Education Events
Bidder Education Campaign Begins
Bidder Registration Period to Obtain User IDs and Passwords Begins
Fall 2009

Bidding Begins
CDRD (Covered Document Review Date) Process Begins

By the CDRD, bidders must have their packages submitted in order to qualify for review of missing financial documents. That date will be the later of the date that is 30 days before the end of the bid submission due date or 30 days after the start of the bid submission period.

By the 45th day after the CDRD, CMS will notify bidders of missing documents with a certified letter.

Bidders will have 10 business days from the date of the certified letter notification to submit the missing documents requested.

Note: Bidders must submit covered documents prior to the deadline in order to be eligible for notice of any missing documents.

Winter 2009/Spring 2010

Bid Evaluation 

Announcement of Single Payment Amounts
Contract Process Beings

Summer 2010

Contract Suppliers Announced  Contract Suppliers Education Campaign Begins

Fall 2010

Beneficiary, Referral Agent and General Supplier Education Campaign

January 2011

Program Implementation

For more on the PAOC meeting and competitive bidding, check upcoming issues of HomeCare Monday. Sign up for your free subscription.