June 24, 2015 (Atlanta, GA)—Wheel:Life, an online community for wheelchair users worldwide, has published Discovering: An Accessible US Travel Guide for Wheelchair Users as a new e-book on Amazon.com.

Wheel:Life publications center on sharing resources and support for people who use wheelchairs. These accessible travel suggestions were gathered as part of the annual Get Out & Enjoy Life (GOEL) program that is a joint educational initiative between Wheel:Life, a global community of wheelchair users, and SPORTS ‘N SPOKES magazine, published by the Paralyzed Veterans of America.

This book culminates the month-long GOEL accessible travel education program and photo contest that launched June 1st. More than 100 pages in length, Discovering is an easy, encouraging read that will help you explore all kinds of travel destinations and family fun spots across the U.S. The book is applicable to anyone who has a mobility challenge, whether you are new to using a wheelchair or a seasoned pro.

“Wheel:Life has prepared this accessible travel guide to assist people who use wheelchairs with new and exciting ways to explore their world,” says author Lisa Wells. “We are thrilled to provide practical advice and encouragement by offering this resource filled with handy travel tips, family-friendly destinations and travel pictures shared by wheelchair users.”

Wheel:Life is able to publish resources such as this book due to the generous financial support of sponsors such as ABC Medical, a leading national provider of urology and continence care supplies.

“ABC Medical is proud to support Wheel:Life as it promotes a full and active life as a wheelchair user,” says Keith Jones, CEO of ABC Medical. "We firmly believe that an active lifestyle leads to a healthier, more fulfilling life, thus the partnership with Wheel:Life was a natural fit.”

ABC Medical is one of the largest supporters of adaptive sports in the U.S. and supports the community by contributing hundreds of thousands of dollars annually to adaptive programs nationwide.

The Discovering Guidebook is available for download at Amazon’s Kindle bookstore for $1.99. Proceeds from the book go toward funding additional Wheel:Life programs for the wheelchair community they serve. Purchase your copy here. If you have a disability, you can obtain a free copy of this book here