AMSTERDAM (March 14, 2019)—In anticipation of World Sleep Day, Philips released the results of its annual sleep survey, “The Global Pursuit of Better Sleep Health.” Sleep is a key contributor to health well-being, says the survey. But lifestyle and health factors can stand in the way of a good night’s sleep.

Together with the KJT Group, people from 12 countries were surveyed on their sleep habits and health. The 12 countries include: the United States, France, Germany, Japan, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Singapore, South Korea, Australia and the Netherlands.

Breaking Down the Demographics

  • 11,006 total respondents
  • 51% male
  • 49% female
  • 37.1 years old, average
  • 61% live with a partner/spouse
  • 59% have a child in the home

Roadblocks to Better Sleep
Fifty percent of the adults surveyed recognized sleep had a major to moderate impact on their health. Yet 62 percent said they sleep somewhat or not well at all, and 44 percent of adults said their sleep has gotten worse in the last 5 years.

Among those who have lost sleep quality, 60 percent have not sought the help of a medical professional, and 68 percent reported never using a sleep tracker or monitor. Popular methods of attempting to improve sleep quality include: Reading (69%), watching TV ( 69%) and listening to soothing music (67%).

Health disorders also affect sleep quality, from insomnia (37%) to shift work sleep disorder (22%) to sleep apnea (10%). Among those respondents who reported sleep apnea, 65 percent have never used or are no longer using therapy to treat their apnea.

Lifestyle factors such as worry and stress or the sleep environment can also impact sleep. Thirty-five percent of women report sleeping in a different bed than their partner who snores, for example, and 20 percent of adults surveyed reported having a pet share their bed.

“This year’s survey findings suggest to me that people are beginning to wake up to the idea that sleep is important, but for many or most of these people, achieving good quality sleep is an elusive goal,” said Dr. David White, chief medical officer at Philips. “Even though we recognize that sleep is important, and that it is not easy to get the root of sleep issues, most people with sleep-related problems do not seek professional help. For those suffering from sleep issues, I would encourage them to visit a sleep physician, but for many, it seems like an option they’re not interested in pursuing either due to cost or embarrassment. These findings re-enforce the need for credible, validated, web-based methods that help determine the nature of sleep issue for each individual. Physicians can then be telemetrically included as needed, and I believe this combination is achievable in the near-term, and may lead to better sleep health for many.”

To read the full survey, click here.