MARTINEZ, Ga. — Last week, the Committee to Save Independent HME Suppliers announced it has hired the Capitol Hill Consulting Group, a Washington, D.C., lobby firm. The focus of CSI:HME, the group said, is "to lobby Congress in support of legislation addressing the needs and goals of the thousands of independent small business providers across the nation."

The recently formed group has also retained publicist Baker Wright Group to work in tandem with the lobby firm on commentary, provider stories and press releases for Capitol Hill publications. Additionally, Baker Wright will help craft PR materials for providers' use at the local level about the value of home care and HME at no cost.

According to David Petsch, owner of Petsch Respiratory in Martinez (Augusta), Ga., managing director of CSI:HME, the group's first priorities will be the repeal of competitive bidding and the 36-month oxygen cap.

"We're talking about 90 percent of independent providers that may be left out of the competitive bidding program," Petsch said, "and providers are now starting to see the impact the oxygen cap is having on their bottom lines. Now they are asking 'What can we do to help?'

"You just have to step out and say 'This is important to me and I'm going to spend my dollars to represent my company and my family and my small business,'" he said.

While hiring a lobby firm is costly, Petsch continued, "I'm losing $10,000 to $15,000 a month with the cap, so why not take that money and try to get some control over the end result? If we're all preaching the same message, it should be a positive voice."

Other members of CSI's executive committee include Shawn Steffey, president of Respiratory Care Associates, Winchester, Va.; Esta Willman, president of Medi-Source Equipment & Supply, Yucca Valley, Calif., and a member of CMS' Program Advisory and Oversight Committee; and Todd Tyson, president of HiTech Healthcare, Norcross, Ga. The National Association of Independent Medical Equipment Suppliers, Halifax, Va., will handle administrative functions for the group.

According to Petsch, what he terms the "ancillary lobbying group" has budgeted for a year but will make a decision "down the road" on continuing its efforts. "Right now we're waiting on CMS and Congress and the new administration to tell us what we are going to have to do survive," he said.

"This is in no way, shape or form anything but recommending to people that we all get involved," Petsch said. "There are a lot of disgruntled independents out there, but I will never give up fighting the fight."

For information about the new group, email