ASHEVILLE, NC (August 15, 2018)—Aeroflow Healthcare, a durable medical equipment provider, announced the acquisition of Med-Caire Inc.’s continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) resupply program. This business line is designed to replace more patients’ CPAP supplies to support and maintain a high quality of life when relying upon much-needed medical equipment.

CPAP supplies must be replaced regularly, as they break down over time, and can collect dust, bacteria, and other irritants. To address this challenge, Aeroflow seeks to serve more patients with treatment compliance in the form of adhering to customized resupply schedules.

Following this acquisition, patients throughout Connecticut, North Carolina and South Carolina will now have access to Aeroflow’s resupply program to receive clean, advanced CPAP equipment that meets compliance standards. Further, Med-Caire Inc. now has the resources available to refocus its business objectives and assist patients in other medical and geographic areas.

"By acquiring Med-Caire's CPAP resupply line of business, Aeroflow is advancing its mission of improving its patients’ quality of life by expanding the geographic area in which they are served,” said Andrew Amoth, corporate development manager, Aeroflow Healthcare. “We are also pleased that the acquisition of this business line provides capital for Med-Caire to prioritize and grow its other lines of business that fit into the company’s corporate growth strategy in Connecticut.”

Aeroflow will continue seeking opportunities to expand via mergers and acquisitions to ultimately provide more patients with quality care.

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