walkers and rollators

dolomite rollator

Custom Dolomite Rollator


Clarke Health Care can customize a Dolomite  rollator to your client’s needs. A higher capacity, shorter seat height, forearm pads and different braking handles are a few of the options available. Fill out a worksheet to get a quote on a custom-assembled rollator. Visit clarkehealthcare.com.

nitro rollator

Nitro Aluminum Rollator With 10-Inch Casters


Featuring a sleek and attractive design, the Nitro Aluminum Rollator is engineered with a comfortable seat and backrest, convenient storage bag, adjustable height handles and large 10-inch casters for easy navigation. The rollator provides a safe user experience thanks to the internal brake cables and cross-brace design, while the lightweight frame features side-by-side folding for quick and easy transport and storage. Visit drivemedical.com.

footbar walker



The FootbarWalker addresses the needs of both the patient and the caregiver. When caregiver assistance is needed, the FootbarWalker provides a pull bar that is more comfortable to use than a standard walker. The client pulls on the top bar while the caregiver’s foot applies pressure to the foot bar. This prevents strain to the back, shoulders and neck of the caregiver because lifting under the patient’s arms is no longer required. Visit thefootbarwalker.com.

trust care collator

Trust Care Premium Rollators


Stander proudly introduces the Trust Care line of five premium European rollators that will open several new categories of rollators in your store. Each offers something innovative and unique for your customers to purchase their first (or even a second or third) rollator for home, shopping and travel. The line includes the Let’s Go-Indoor (pictured), the Let’s Shop and the Let’s Move, which weighs only 12.8 pounds and supports up to 350 pounds. Visit stander.com.