Experts in the industry discuss how the market can better serve customers

Pill Pouch

Pill PouchPill Pouch

Matt Siteck, Steward

Tell us about your company's product.

Siteck: Our medication management tool is called the Pill Pouch. Patients and their health companion use our tool as a daily guide, a weekly reference when setting up their regimen and peace of mind in case of emergency, so that medical responders have access to critical medication lists.

How are things changing across the medication management market?

Siteck: Because of changes to reimbursements, more health care will be delivered at home by medical and non-medical professionals; this is a huge opportunity for health care organizations to help patients get well and stay well at home.

Where do you see challenges?

Siteck: Because there is uncertainty in how revenue will be shared and how much revenue will be available, the industry will continue to cut costs and cut back on tools, programs and technologies.

What's your focus in this market?

Siteck: We are developing an educational model that serves as a bridge from the patient and their support to their continuum of care.

What can HME providers in this industry do to increase revenue?

Siteck: We believe that, to be leaders, we must focus on education. Focusing on building skills and confidence—as well as advising on smart and accessible technology—will strengthen their roles.

How important should customer service and customer education be?

Siteck: We found that education is what matters. Education must not happen in a classroom but in the real world where there are real problems.

MedCenter Systems

Countertop Pill OrganizerCountertop Pill Organizer

Mandy Engel, Sales Account Manager

What is your company's focus?

Engel: MedCenter is branded solely around prescription pill management. Confusion can occur once a person retires and their daily norm is no longer dependent upon a workweek schedule. Our system emphasizes date of the month rather than day of the week.

How are new technologies impacting your market overall?

Engel: The newest addition to the MedCenter line of pill organizers is designed to take advantage of your smartphone's vibrating and beeping alarm capabilities. The SmartPack is the perfect system for those on the go.

How has the market changed?

Engel: A challenge we face is developing a pill reminder line that is applicable to all age groups and skill levels. We meet this challenge by developing different products for different people. Our MedCenter system comes with an easy-set reminder clock that is a great item for the older user; the new SmartPack is a better option for more tech-savvy users.

In your opinion, what can HME providers in your industry do to increase revenue in 2015?

Engel: Working together with vendors to see what products are out there for pill medication management, and understanding the lifestyle needs of their customers. We have more than 20 different pill management tools. An HME provider who knows their customers can choose the most profitable assortment.

Where does the customer fit in?

Engel: Customer service, education, and product knowledge are critical in all retail business models. Some independent pharmacies will work with their customers and organize and load the MedCenter system for them; they're taking customer service to a place a large chain cannot.

Carex Health Brands

Original MedCenter SystemOriginal MedCenter System

Kelsie Tidman, Associate Product Marketing Manager

What kind of products do you offer? Tidman: Apex pill organizers are tailored to fit any medication regiment, including various size daily, 7-day, AM/PM, and weekly planners. Lids are designed to be clear, easy-to-read, and easy-to-open, all the while ensuring they stay securely shut to maintain pill security.

What's new on the technology front?

Tidman: There are new push-to-open pill organizers with compartments that open easily. Lids on new pill organizers are contoured to allow greater pill capacity per compartment. Our new products are also smaller with a high pill capacity.

Where is this market headed, and what challenges do you anticipate?

Tidman: The medication management market continues to see high growth every year. It is our role to inform and educate these new patients. This is done by offering a full product line to fit the needs of any patient as well as clear and informative retail packaging.

Any new products on the horizon?

Tidman: We are in the process of launching several new pill organizers with decorative sleeves, which will take five of our best-selling medication compliance items and couple them with a fabric print sleeve for added style and security.

How can HME providers be successful and better serve customers?

Tidman: It is important to offer a complete assortment of medication compliance products, as many of these items are impulse purchases. Apex displays offer products that cover all the bases of medication compliance. Our retail packaging is designed to clearly and effectively educate the consumer.


Countertop Pill OrganizerCountertop Pill Organizer

Christopher P. Gardner, Director of Business & Product Development

What makes your product line unique?

Gardner: EG eNNOVEA has an evolving product line that fills the gaps in the too often commodity-driven compliance aids category. Today's aging population is more comfortable using technology, and as a result, devices such as our Power Pill Grinder have found greater acceptance.

What trends do you see becoming essential to your customer?

Gardner: Wearable technology. Customers managing complex medication schedules are often adults with active lifestyles. I think hybrid solutions will evolve to address this. Our new Countertop Pill Organizer encourages adherence by keeping everything organized, front and center.

What challenges do you anticipate in our rapidly changing health care environment?

Gardner: Non-adherence is blamed for nearly 125,000 deaths each year, so even a modest increase in adherence translates to billions in health care savings and countless lives saved. Prescription retailers who take this opportunity to increase adherence will increase sales at the prescription counter.

How is your company staying competitive?

Gardner: We're willing to be creative. We have found that the key to consumer acceptance is the ability to address specific patient needs; for us, that meant pill cases that were configurable and that offer a simple user interface timer.

How can HMEs make money in this tough health care environment?

Gardner: Understanding their customers' individual needs is the first priority, and having solutions on hand that are unique and helpful are not only welcome, but are also an excellent source of additional cash revenue to the store owner.