A conversation with the president and CEO of Fastrack Healthcare Systems
by HomeCare Magazine

Spencer Kay, president and CEO of Fastrack Healthcare SystemsHC: What led you to launch Fastrack Healthcare Systems in 1994?

SK: Fastrack was founded with the intent to fill a void in the marketplace. Up until that time the systems available tended to be glorified billing systems. It seemed that software vendors were competing by saying they had the best billing system, but never referred to their system being a management system to automate the complete operation of an HME provider. While billing is a significant part of what an HME provider needs to do, it is the end result, not what the core of the business is about. Our solution was based on what a provider does every day, which is to help patients by providing products and services.

From day one we looked at the workflow of a provider for ways to improve their productivity, reduce operating costs and enhance patient satisfaction. We accomplished much of this through better internal processes that the software supported, but also through the introduction of advanced technologies. This is what led to Fastrack being the first to introduce a Windows-based system in 1995, as well as a number of other industry firsts such as offering the Microsoft SQL database with full access to all of the provider’s data, providing an integrated system supporting the business and service lines of HME, home care pharmacy and home care agencies with one database. We also offered a hosted solution for HME and home care pharmacies in 1999, integrated document management, a map-based optimized routing and delivery system, order and document workflow automation, a bar code system for inventory control including the use of Wireless PDAs for warehouse automation, and smart phones and tablet PCs for real-time delivery confirmation right from the patient’s home.

HC: What other features set your systems apart?

SK: Fastrack offers a number of features to aid the provider with competitive bidding including tools in preparing bids, especially thanks to our reporting capabilities, an executive dashboard, scoreboard and business intelligence data mining feature and preventing them from shipping products if they did not win the bid for a particular area. We make available a national database of deceased patients, which reduces inappropriate billing and the loss of equipment, and a workflow automation that tracks the complete status of documentation and orders from intake to delivery. This helps to ensure nothing falls through the cracks and is all linked to our integrated document management system that will automatically store the ERA 835 by patient. Our order and billing hold feature helps make sure only products are delivered and claims submitted that meet the payer’s requirements. Fastrack helps make sure our clients are paid, including co-pays, by offering the ability to capture credit card payments at the patient’s home or facility as well as on the phone with our integrated credit card processing. Collections are further enhanced with the Fastrack A/R Collection Manager module. To help reduce staff costs Fastrack allows the provider to schedule reports and processes, including billing, to run automatically at predetermined times of their choosing.

One of the unique features of Fastrack is the ability to set “flags” that can help match the software processes to those of the provider. Fastrack clients have the ability to send purchase orders electronically to a number of distributors and receive back a shipping confirmation for drop shipments. This eliminates the tedious and time consuming order confirmation process found in other systems. Our third party integration offers clients access to a wide range of services to choose from, including linking to almost any accounting system and hospital system with our HL7 interface.

HC: How do your business systems help providers compete in the new HME/DME environment?

SK: Fastrack offers HME providers tools to enter into new business opportunities, including our complete point of sale module to manage a retail operation and e-commerce website to provide a Web storefront presence. Overall, the system is designed to do more with less staff and be more efficient, ultimately reducing operating costs.

Spencer Kay is president and CEO of Fastrack Healthcare Systems and can be reached at 800-520-2325, skay@fastrk.com or www.onlyfastrack.com.