“Handling Business Complaints” will take place on Thursday, June 27, 2013, from 11.30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. ET. This program has been heard by thousands of homecare providers and now is your time to gather your staff around the phone for one of the most dynamic and informative educational events for your entire staff.

SUNRISE, Fla., Nov. 1, 2012—Louis Feuer, nationally known industry customer service expert, celebrates year two of his dynamic MEDCOMMENT CENTER (MCC) program, the only customer engagement tool in the home-care industry dedicated to listening to referral sources and patients. “This has become a word-of-mouth growth process developing,” he said, “upgrading and refining a product with recommendations from our customers.”

Jeffrey S. Baird is chairman of the Health Care Group of Brown & Fortunato, a law firm based in Amarillo, Texas. He represents HME providers, pharmacies and other health care providers throughout the U.S. The following Q&A is about the importance of setting policies that cover an HME marketing expense budget and gifts.