Optimism at Medtrade Spring 2018
Colleagueship shined at Medtrade Spring 2018 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, where the weather was quite fine.
Although reimbursement and revenue cycle storms continue to batter home medical equipment providers nationwide, hope and optimism always find a way to peek out of the clouds. A newcomer describes a new business plan that she calls “hand in glove.” She’s learning who’s who and what’s what, and she’s making fresh connections for how this will come together.
Like many of us in homecare, this newcomer has lived it, looked back, and now looks forward, energized by inspiration and a particular precision that only she can truly understand. Accreditation is in her forecast; it will add a new piece to her skills collective. The career journey continues. This homecare business makes total sense. Thinking defeat? Nope.
Coming Together
Even though HR 4229 was passed over, AAHomecare hasn’t conceded. 4229 is just one piece of all that is in play at the Capitol, in the regulations, and state-by-state around the U.S. The organization’s Washington Update was well attended. Heavy focus has turned to navigating managed care and Medicaid. New relationships with the National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC) and customized complex rehab provider National Seating & Mobility point to a growing “we’re in this together” mentality and the development of a unified voice. Upcoming: AAHomecare’s Washington Legislative Conference May 23-24, 2018.
The Power of Collaboration
The VGM Group Power Lunch brought together business owners and drivers of varied experience and expertise. Home modification and VGM Live at Home guru Jim Greatorex said a majority of people he hosted are just getting into home mod, and they are hungry for best practices. The a-ha moment—to be good at this, you have to conduct a thorough assessment of the whole home to make it a safe environment. And Jim said that people can be easily intimidated by the “contractor factor.” There’s more. Ask Jim.
New Product Pavilion Awards
Near the close of Medtrade Spring, HomeCare presented its annual Providers’ Choice Awards, the top three voted-for products from among 20 entered in the New Product Pavilion.
Providers’ Choice GOLD went to the FLYP Nebulizer pe1200m (Convexity Scientific Inc.), with its “fill-click-breathe” pocket-portable approach.
Providers’ Choice SILVER went to X-top for men (McAirlaid’s Inc.), a discrete incontinence product designed especially for men.
Providers’ Choice BRONZE went to Werth Folding Walker Storage Rack (Werth, LLC). This product is designed to save space and easily organize and adjust walkers.
When homecare providers come together, there's one topic that trends every time—patients. Most homecare providers want to properly care for patients. Some business owners have found ways to identify opportunities—these providers won't say business is easy by any stretch of the imagination—but they are willing to adapt and determined to crack the code. They want the powers-that-be to fix the competitive bidding program, and restore a more favorable rate to help take into account the additional cost factors of doing business.
How do you fairly and adequately tailor a reimbursement structure for a largely service-based industry where factors can widely vary based on individual needs and location. The answer remains unknown—we will see, will we?
Medtrade Spring event highlights include breathtaking views from the top of the Skyfall Lounge - Delano (above), courtesy of the VGM Group, and a wide range of educational workshops on topics such as Master Sales Training with Mike Sperduti, reimbursements, retail strategies, durable medical equipment certification, optimizing Brightree, and a range of sessions addressing Medicare updates. For the full conference at-a-glance, visit the Medtrade Spring Conference page.