In order to track the impact of increased audits that target the HME sector, AAHomecare said it is looking for examples of documentation requests that go beyond Medicare requirements.

ARLINGTON, Va. — In order to track the impact of increased audits that target the HME sector, AAHomecare said last week it is looking for examples of documentation requests that go beyond Medicare requirements.

"If you have examples where CMS or its contractors have exceeded their authority in audits, please share the examples with us — specifically, CERT, RAC, DME MAC, ZPIC, or other audit letters that demonstrate that the audit is asking for documentation that is not required to justify a claim. It would be very helpful to get actual physician records to show that physicians simply do not document the way that the coverage decisions demand," the association said in its Aug. 18 newsletter.

AAHomecare asked that any such examples be forwarded to Walt Gorski at

The information will help AAHomecare craft an "audit accountability strategy" addressing audit activities with CMS and Congress.

"In this effort, AAHomecare will reach out to the DME MAC medical directors and key personnel at CMS. We will coordinate our efforts with other stakeholder groups such as the American Medical Association, the American College of Physicians, and the American Academy of Family Physicians," the association said.