SAN DIEGO (August 31, 2016)—A family living with a life-threatening childhood disorder, Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), shares its inspiring story in a new documentary film, “Changing Lives with Every Breath: The Beaulieu Family,” produced by ResMed.

The film features two brothers with DMD, Ross, 20, and Finn, 16, and their parents, Michelle and Steve, who decided the family would continue to be the active travelers and avid outdoorspeople they've always been, in spite of this devastating diagnosis. They didn’t want DMD and its life-altering physical impacts to disrupt their family values of living life to the fullest through world travel and adventures.

Roughly 20,000 new cases of DMD are diagnosed worldwide each year. This fatal genetic neuromuscular disease weakens the body’s muscles over time, including those that support heart and lung function.

Thanks to the Beaulieus’ inspiring resolve and the aid of ResMed’s portable ventilators, they have toured 18 countries in 10 years and have no plans of stopping.

“For us, every day, every moment, every breath is priceless, and we’ll cherish it for as long as we can,” says Michelle.

View the documentary here.

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