SUNRISE, Fla., Nov. 1, 2012—Louis Feuer, nationally known industry customer service expert, celebrates year two of his dynamic MEDCOMMENT CENTER (MCC) program, the only customer engagement tool in the home-care industry dedicated to listening to referral sources and patients. “This has become a word-of-mouth growth process developing,” he said, “upgrading and refining a product with recommendations from our customers.”

Beginning with a small home care company in Texas, MCC now includes companies throughout the United States such as Bioventus (formally with Smith & Nephew)—which is using MCC throughout the world for their new Exogen Bone Healing System—and PRIME, Inc., one of the nation’s largest physician and pharmaceutical education providers. Feuer said his clients include regional to national home care providers.

MEDCOMMENT allows 24/7 access for referral sources and patients to share their comments and feedback with company management. It now offers customized feedback forms to meet any company survey needs. “With free consultation on the development of your customer engagement tool, each month MEDCOMMENT brings new providers into our family of subscribers,” he said.“MCC was built from customer need and there is no better gratification than to know we have solved several operational challenges with one program. We save companies money, time and bring you the best consultants in the industry—your customers. I just love sharing this program with my friends in the industry. MCC is about solutions and education and we improve every day by listening to our customers.”

MCC offers a web address, all the surveys required at one location, immediate return of the surveys to a password protected program and also transmission to a designated e-mail address with a mission to save the customer before they go off to one’s competitors. “Once they’re using MCC, most of our clients cancel all printing and postage costs with this valuable educational tool,” Feuer said. “In nearly 35 years in the industry, I have never been able to offer a provider so much for so little.”

Contact Feuer, president of Dynamic Seminars & Consulting and creator of MEDCOMMENTER, at 954-838-750 or Go online to